The science is rapidly advancing. While mostly in mice at this stage, now is the time to discuss what this means for humans, and consider where and how we draw the line in the sand as the science evolves.
—Megan Munsie, a University of Melbourne stem cell researcher, writing in The Conversation about the recently published Cell paper reporting the creation of mouse embryos using only stem cells and a special incubator (August 5)
ACROSS 1. Distend with eggs, as a fish |
DOWN 1. Lustrous, as abelia foliage |
We presume death is a thing, it is a state of being. Are there forms of death that are reversible? Or not?
—Duke University law professor Nita Farahany talking to The New York Times about research published in Nature reporting the results of an experiment in which scientists pumped a solution containing nutrients, anti-inflammatory drugs, nerve blockers, blood, and other substances through the bodies of pigs that had been dead for an hour, reviving some of their cells and tissues to functional states (August 3)
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