A 3D rendered model of a glutamic acid molecule with other organic molecules floating around it.

Protein Makeover with Custom Amino Acids

With a plug-and-play strategy, researchers engineer proteins with new functions.

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© istock.com, Artystarty

Proteins are built by mixing and matching amino acids, but researchers want to create new functions by adding noncanonical amino acids (ncAAs). However, this process often requires complex whole genome editing. This inspired Ahmed Badran, a chemical and synthetic biologist at the Scripps Research Institute, to develop an easier method for adding ncAAs to proteins.

Ahmed Badran wears a grey sweater and smiles at the camera with his arms crossed.
Ahmed Badran works to develop technologies that enable researchers to explore fundamental attributes of how enzymes and proteins function.
Scripps Research Institute

“The assignment of the genetic code has some inherent malleability, which one can change to assign existing codons to new amino acids,” said Badran. His team leveraged this by using a plug-and-play strategy with quadruplet—not the usual triplet—codon translation to insert ncAAs at specific sites without altering the whole genome. 

The findings, published in Nature Biotechnology, demonstrated that using sets of four RNA nucleotides could produce more than 100 new cyclic peptides.1 This approach capitalizes on the programmability of proteins to reengineer existing proteins or create entirely new ones.

Badran’s team investigated how codon location and usage affect quadruplet decoding with a modified superfolder green fluorescent protein (sfGFP), replacing a tyrosine codon at position 151 with a quadruplet codon. Screening for sfGFP expression suggested that codons at the downstream plus one position influenced quadruplet decoding and ncAA incorporation efficiency, serving as a location guide for plugging in engineered tRNAs.

During tRNA development, the researchers identified 12 highly active tRNA synthetase/tRNA pairs in Escherichia coli that can add canonical and noncanonical amino acids. Then, Badran’s team used iterative rounds of genetic mutations and screening to enhance the quadruplet-decoding tRNA’s ncAA incorporation ability. They tested five optimized pairs in E.coli, playing with individual or combined pairs, and produced more than 100 new cyclic peptides, each containing up to three ncAAs.

“[The study] is definitely novel,” said Ya-Ming Hou, a biochemist from Thomas Jefferson University, who was not involved in the study, noting the method’s potential to improve protein stability for industrial or medical purposes. “Ultimately, we want to make proteins and enzymes that are diversified with a broad array of noncanonical amino acids,” said Badran. 

  1. Costello A, et al. Nat Biotechnol. 2024.
Image of an axon, with a callout box highlighting a portion of the cell membrane. It depicts three different electrodes and ion channels along the membrane.

What’s the Difference Between a Voltage Clamp and a Current Clamp?

Depending on the “clamped” parameter, patch clamp configurations probe different aspects of a cell's electrical activity.

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modified from © istock.com, ttsz, AlexanderZam, d1sk, alfa md, tarras79; designed by erin lemieux

Historically, researchers impaled giant squid, snail, and frog axons with electrodes to study nerve function by measuring ion channels. Today, electrophysiologists have enhanced their ability to assess electrical impulses by clamping onto the mammalian cell membrane, improving their understanding of how cells process and transmit electrical signals. Depending on the controlled and measured variables, the voltage and current clamps are used to tune into the different cadences of these electrical conversations.

Voltage Clamp: Scrutiny of Ion Channels

The voltage clamp technique investigates the electrical properties of ion channels.1 In this method, the experimenter “clamps” or controls the membrane potential at a desired value using a feedback amplifier. The current needed to hold the membrane at the target voltage is recorded. Building on this approach, scientists developed the patch clamp technique, which is a refined version that provides greater precision by targeting a small patch of cell membrane to study individual ion channels. These methods are used to study ion channels and their kinetics by isolating specific channel activity, such as sodium, potassium, or calcium currents, while maintaining constant membrane potential.2,3 

Current Clamp: Measure of Cell Excitability

Another configuration of the patch clamp technique is the current clamp, which examines how cells respond to current inputs, including the generation of action potentials and changes in membrane potential over time. Researchers inject precise amounts of current into the cell and record the resulting voltage changes, often seen as action potentials. The fluctuations in membrane potential can indicate ion channel activities, such as depolarization from voltage-gated sodium channels opening and hyperpolarization from voltage-gated potassium channels.4 This technique offers insights into the excitability of cells, such as enabling researchers to study the effects of drugs on action potential patterns. 

A photo of a 96-well microplate showcasing serial dilutions of purple dye solution.

Achieving Consistency in Serial Dilutions

Researchers ensure the success of their serial dilution-based assays by using optimized protocols and advanced liquid handling tools.

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© STOCK.ADOBE.COM, TopMicrobialStock

Learn More

A serial dilution is a standard laboratory technique employed by researchers to incrementally decrease the concentration of a substance of interest, such as a chemical compound, analyte, or microorganism, within a solution or sample by using a diluent. Scientists involved in molecular biology, microbiology, or drug discovery research often employ serial dilution-based assays for several applications including preparing calibration curves for quantitative PCR experiments, enumerating microbes in a sample, or establishing the ideal drug dosage, respectively.1–3

          A photo of two VOYAGER pipettes transferring samples into a 96-well and 384-well microplate. 
By employing cutting-edge liquid handling tools, such as electronic multichannel pipettes, scientists enhance the accuracy, consistency, and throughput of their serial dilutions. 

Because the process uses the last diluted solution as an input for the next step, errors accumulate during serial dilutions and decrease the accuracy and precision of the results. Inadequate mixing is the most common problem in serial dilutions and results in heterogeneous solutions that affect later dilutions. Additionally, researchers often need to use multiple manual pipettes of different sizes for preparing highly dilute solutions, such as those in five-fold or ten-fold dilution series, which only complicates this already tedious process. 

To improve the reproducibility and reliability of their serial dilutions, scientists must use the correct liquid handling tools, such as the handheld manual and electronic pipettes offered by INTEGRA. For example, the VOYAGER electronic multichannel pipette can automatically adjust the spacing between its tips with the push of a button, which allows researchers to move samples from labware of varying sizes and formats. The pipette’s serial dilution mode also helps streamline the process by automatically handling the transferring and mixing steps without requiring the operator to change to a different sized pipette. Innovative liquid handling tools like this one enable scientists to simplify, accelerate, and advance their serial dilution workflows.

Learn more about performing serial dilutions with high accuracy and precision. 

What serial dilution-based experiments do you employ in your research?

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  1. Burns MJ, et al. BMC Biotechnol. 2005;5(1):31.
  2. Ben-David A, Davidson CE. J Microbiol Methods. 2014;107:214-221.
  3. Donev AN, Tobias RD. J Biopharm Stat. 2011;21(3):484-497.
A panel of screenshots from the computer animated game Microscopya, developed by Beata Science Art.

Playing Games to Learn Cell Biology

Video games get microscopic in an educational science outreach project.

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Beata Edyta Mierzwa

Beata Mierzwa, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, San Diego combines science and art through her brand, Beata Science Art. As an IF/THEN ambassador for the American Association for the Advancement of Science, she inspires girls and other underrepresented groups to explore careers in STEM. When the program announced an opportunity for STEM outreach projects, Mierzwa drew on her love of video games to create an interactive experience that showcases the incredible world of cells through art, called Microscopya.

Beata Mierzwa, dressed in a pink dress, lab coat, and sporting blue hair, resembles the animated character from the game, Microscopya, she and her team designed. Computer stations beside her have the game pulled up at the 2022 San Diego Comic-Con.
Beata Mierzwa dressed up as her animated Microscopya character to feature the game at the 2022 San Diego Comic Convention. 
Matthew Cooney

How did you create Microscopya?

I wanted to bring what we see under the microscope to life in a more engaging way than what is represented in textbooks. To achieve that, I learned how to draw on a tablet and do animation. My partner helped me with the science communication and quality assurance aspects. I also worked with a developer for the coding, and we collaborated with artists from my favorite band for the soundtrack. We did several iterations of testing with different age groups to balance the learning and fun in the game. This was probably the hardest project I’ve ever worked on, but it’s also probably one of my favorites because it’s been so unique.

What happens in Microscopya?

Players go on a journey as a customizable character inside of a cell where they learn about cellular energy and transportation through puzzles and by collecting trophies that provide more information on the topics. Right now, there is just one chapter, but I’m currently working on creating a second that will be longer and cover more topics. I took the feedback that I got from educators to integrate more educational content throughout the game and make it easier to incorporate into lessons. 

What has been the response to Microscopya?

My cocreators and I released the game two years ago and presented it at the San Diego Comic-Con, and the response was amazing. My target audience was middle school students, but I learned that adult learners also enjoyed the game and got interested in what happens in cells. Besides being educational, it’s also a great outreach tool to encourage STEM minorities to consider pursuing science. 

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Immunofluorescence image of a cross-section of a term placenta showing STB and CTB labeled pink and surrounding nuclei and nuclear speckles labeled blue and green, respectively.

A Tissue-Sized Cell with Billions of Nuclei 

Single-nucleus RNA sequencing revealed specialized regions within the placenta's multinucleated cell.

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Madeline Keenen

During gestation, the placenta takes on the roles of many of the fetus’ developing organs and serves as a barrier between parent and child. Critical to this is the outermost layer of the organ, the syncytiotrophoblast (STB), a single, multinucleated cell that forms from repeated fusion events between mononucleated cytotrophoblasts (CTB). In addition to producing pregnancy hormones, the STB plays important roles in nutrient and waste exchange and metabolism. Unlike many organs, which achieve multifunctionality through specialized cell types, the STB is a single giant cell with billions of individual nuclei. In the above image of a cross-section of term placenta tissue, STB and CTB are labeled in pink and surround nuclei and nuclear speckles labeled in blue and green, respectively. 

“Despite it being one cell, there might be specialized regions that are doing different functions,” said Madeline Keenen, a biochemist at Duke University. Researchers believe that one way this massive cell possibly achieves this is through specialized gene expression. “These nuclei could actually act as independent agents,” she added. Keenen, who has studied genome compaction and regulation in mononucleated cells, wanted to explore how the STB regulates its billions of genomes. Given the cell’s syncytial structure, single-cell approaches were limited, so she turned to single-nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq).

In a bioRxiv preprint, Keenen and her colleagues reported their findings from snRNA-seq experiments on trophoblast organoids derived from human placental tissue.1 They identified three subpopulations of nuclei present in both models: STB-1, STB-2, and STB-3. The first population exhibited an intermediate gene expression profile, indicative of a population likely transitioning from CTB to STB. STB-2 nuclei expressed genes involved in oxygen sensing while STB-3 nuclei exhibited a more differentiated gene profile characterized by more STB markers and transport molecules.

The nuclei subtypes identified by Keenen and her team are similar to the subpopulations that were recently identified in first trimester and full-term placental tissues, demonstrating the strength of these newer organoid models.2 “With the revolution that's happened in the last eight years, there's just so many tools available now.” Using these new tools, Keenen hopes to better understand of the molecular mechanisms orchestrating placenta development and function, potentially leading to novel treatments for maternal pathologies like preeclampsia. “It's an exciting time to be in the placenta field,” said Keenen.

  1. Keenen MM, et al. bioRxiv. 2024
  2. Wang M, et al. Nat Genet. 2024;56(2):294-305.
A woman in a blue and white striped shirt crosses her fingers behind her back.

How Does the Placebo Effect Work?

Placebo analgesia might be all in the head, but that doesn’t mean it’s not real.

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© istock.com, Cirilopoeta

For decades, placebo effects have plagued clinical trials, with as many as one third of patients responding to supposedly inactive treatments for conditions like depression and pain.1,2 Instead of discarding these responses, some researchers were intrigued: What neurobiological mechanisms could explain how a “fake” treatment produced real effects?

As early as the 1980s, researchers identified a key role for endogenous opioids in placebo analgesia: Administering the opioid blocker naloxone also blocked the pain-relieving effects of a placebo.3 Tor Wager, a neuroscientist at Dartmouth College, wanted to identify how endogenous opioid activity was altered in key brain regions during placebo pain relief. Using a radiolabeled μ-opioid receptor agonist, researchers assessed the availability of these receptors; greater endogenous opioid activity would mean less receptor binding by the labeled tracer. When participants were experiencing placebo-induced pain relief, the brain scans revealed altered endogenous opioid activity in several regions including those involved in pain modulation and emotion processing and regulation.4

But how do these brain regions work together to create a conscious experience? Researchers believe that pain is influenced by both bottom-up processes, like the signals coming in through peripheral nerves, and top-down processes, like attention. Placebos might intervene at either end. “They can block what's coming up from the spinal cord, which is the textbook definition,” said Wager. “And they can change how the brain constructs the experience of pain.” Recent research from Wager’s lab suggests that the latter may be more prevalent, indicating that nociceptive systems in the brain responded similarly to a painful stimulus regardless of whether the person reported feeling less pain due to a placebo treatment.5 Instead, said Wager, “[the placebo] works by changing the central value and motivational systems, so it's changing the suffering and changing the evaluation of pain.”

  1. Furukawa TA, et al. Lancet Psychiat. 2016;3(11):1059-1066.
  2. Sanders AE, et al. JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3(4):e202907.
  3. Grevert P, et al. Pain. 1983;16(2):129-143.
  4. Wager TD, et al. PNAS. 2007;104(26):11056-11061.
  5. Botvinik-Nezer R, et al. Nat Commun. 2024;15(1):6017.
<em>The Scientist</em> December crossword puzzle

Science Crossword Puzzle

Put on your thinking cap, and take on this fun challenge.

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