This collaboration brings together Sino Biological’s advanced protein expression and wet-lab capabilities with BioGeometry’s generative AI protein design and optimization platform.
Grace Lindsay explains machine learning and describes how artificial neural networks mimic the architecture of brain neurons to learn from and process data.
John Jumper and Demis Hassabis received this year’s 2023 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award for their work on the artificial intelligence system AlphaFold, which changed the landscape of protein biology.
Neurobiologists, computer scientists, and engineers join forces to grow mini brains using automation and make their technologies smarter with artificial intelligence.
An artificial intelligence tool, scGPT, can identify cell types, predict the effects of disrupting genes, and pinpoint which genes interact with each other.
Ida Emilie Steinmark, PhD | Aug 1, 2023 | 2 min read
Algorithms can now glean ever more molecular and genetic information from images of stained tissue, but some researchers worry that we can’t follow their logic.
Armed with improved imaging techniques and supercomputers, researchers are generating detailed three-dimensional images of cellular structures that anyone can explore.